The Section for external mission

The Section for external mission encompasses missionary work with foreign nationals who are temporarily or permanently residing on the territory of the Archbishopric, and who are interested in Orthodox Christianity. Related to this, the section is concerned with the advancement of missionary activities with regards to the external mission. Apart from this, the section is also engaged in coordinating the priests within the Archbishopric, who have the knowledge and the affinity for external mission.

This section is also involved in creating missionary materials in printed and electronic forms in English and other foreign languages, in organising lectures, religious education and spiritual talks in English within the central churches of the Archbishopric and in finding priests with the knowledge of foreign languages for the sacrament of confession of Orthodox Christians, who are currently living and working in Belgrade, but do not speak Serbian.

The Section for external mission also maintains communication with Orthodox Christian missionaries around the world, at the level of mutual exchange of experiences and cooperation.  

The coordinator of the Section for external mission is presbyter dr. Oliver Subotic, who is also the manager of the Missionary Department of AEM (Archbishopric of Belgrade and Karlovci).