Support for the Use of the Cyrillic Script on the Internet

Following the decision of the administrator of the Archbishopric of Belgrade and Karlovci’s Missionary Department, the Department’s website will from now on also be available on the Cyrillic .СРБ domain, in addition to the .RS domain, at the мисија.срб address.

We hereby remind the wider public that 15 years ago, at the request of the Serbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS), the Holy Synod of Bishops delegated its official representative to a special Working Group. Upon deciding on a specific solution (.СРБ) and its approval by ICANN (the main international institution for global internet regulation), the Serbian Orthodox Church took active part in using and promoting the .СРБ domain.

The official presentation of our Church was among the first Serbian presentations available on the Cyrillic .СРБ domain, and in January 2013, the Holy Synod of Bishops made a decision which recommends the use of the Cyrillic internet domain to dioceses, institutions, establishments and publications under the auspices of our Church.

The AEM Missionary Department has an additional reason for using the Cyrillic .СРБ domain, which is the fact that our Department’s St. Patron’s Day is the Feast of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Saints Cyril and Methodius, the Thessalonian brothers, to whom we owe a special debt of gratitude, when it comes to preserving the Cyrillic script.

AEM Missionary Department

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