Commencing Collaboration with the Church of Saint Apostle and Evangelist Mark

The Church of Saint Apostle and Evangelist Mark is the second church in the Archbishopric of Belgrade and Karlovci, with which the Missionary Department has commenced cooperation in terms of its missionary activities. In the coming period, the crypt of this church will be the site of jointly organised lectures, seminars and forums. The coordinator of the joint missionary activities at St. Mark’s Church will be Presbyter Vladimir Pekić, a member clergyman at this church, and a member of the Expert Council of the Missionary Department of AEM.

The beginning of this collaboration will be marked by a June lecture for the Archbishopric priests, as part of the regular activities of the Parish Mission Section of the Missionary Department of AEM. The date, the time and the title of the initial lecture will be announced shortly. The Missionary Department of AEM is using this opportunity to express its gratitude to the head of St. Mark’s Church, Archimandrite Nektarije (Djurić) who has wholeheartedly supported our collaboration initiative.

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