A prayerful remembrance of the blessedly departed Archimandrite Gavrilo (Vuckovic)

At the Saint Alexander Nevsky Church in Belgrade, a memorial service was held for the blessedly departed Archimandrite Gavrilo (Vuckovic). The service was conducted by Father Oliver Subotic and Father Vajo Jovic. Father Gavrilo will not just be remembered as an Athonite monk and a spiritual giant, but also as an internet missionary and an Abbot of the Lepavina Monastery. At first, when the then Metropolitan of Zagreb and Ljubljana suggested that the monastery acquire a computer, Father Gavrilo was against the idea. He was concerned that the introduction of technology would adversely affect monastic life, fearing that too much communication with the outside world would disrupt the prayerful and ascetic life of the monks. However, after consulting with the academician Dimitrije Stefanovic, Father Gavrilo changed his mind. The initial step towards modernisation was not easy, but Father Gavrilo quickly recognised the potential that the use of computers offered. His first initiative meant launching the Lepavina Monastery’s website. This was just the beginning of a years-long journey into the world of internet missionary work. It was soon followed by “Faith talks” with the faithful via Skype and Facebook, the launching of online radio “Blagovesti” (the Annunciation), as well as many other internet missionary projects. The electronic mission led by Father Gavrilo extended far beyond the borders of
Serbia, reaching believers in over 70 countries, including such far-flung destinations as China and Cambodia. These achievements have aroused the admiration of many and have shown that it is possible to spread spiritual values through the use of modern technologies.

Photograph taken from the Facebook page of Lepavina Monastery.

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